Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Zach + Kyla

Kyla. Another known-her-forever friend + cousin. I'm going to try to refrain from going on and on about her. But Kyla is the kind of girl who has warm muffins coming out of the oven, a smile on her face, a hospitality gift on your bed, and a heart that follows hard after God. All the time. She is beautiful inside and out. I want to be just like her when I grow up. Always have. :)

I was pumped for Kyla when Zach came along. I don't know Zach as well, but I'm confident that he will take good care of Kyla, and he makes her very happy.

Without further ado, the happy couple...Oww!

I just couldn't pick a favorite, but this one does have that something about it...
We took the inside portion of the session in nothing other than a very cool hair salon.

If Zach was here, he would probably burst out into a enthusiastic rendition of, "Hey, good looking...". :)

Love the happiness in this one.
A little fashion lighting going on. There was a mirror on my left that bounced on-camera flash in a super cool way. This is pretty much right out of the camera.
Did I mention that its a frigid 18ish degrees as we're doing this? They rolled with it so well!
Pretty much love everything about this one.
Zach - "Can she kiss me on the cheek again?" Fun!
Seriously, could they be any cuter?? This is Kyla's "coke girl" pose, whatever that is. :)
Ever single bit of happiness to a couple who wants to please God and is a great example to those around them. I look forward to continuing to watch God work through you two!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Liza, Wow...these are absoulutely beautiful :)