Thursday, October 27, 2011

What makes life good?

I was just trying to think of how far back Hannah and I actually go... I guess we've known each other forever. First on a you-like-to-play-house-and-so-do-I level, then older and a little more serious, then wedding and that's sometimes where friendships fade.

Not Hannah. I so appreciate the level of friendship that only comes through shared, grown-up successes and failures.

Anyways this is Hannah and Jake and their little man Owen. The is one of the best little families you'll ever hope to meet. And yes, one day, they'll be one of the best big families you'll ever hope to meet. ;)

Look at this little guy!Oh. Right. This is supposed to be a family session. Back to task.

Yes, folks, this is the stuff that makes life good. Praise God for gifts of family and friendship.


partiality |ˌpär sh ēˈalitē|
• a particular liking or fondness for something (or someone)...

This little lady is my niece, daughter of Brett and Callie (wedding photos here). So yes, there is some partiality going on here. Just love this little girl!

This was her first year photo shoot. Could she be any cuter?
Those eyes!

This one is a little out of focus, but its also one of my favorites. This is one of those photos that we'll look back on when she's a side-ponytailed-16-year-old and say, "Aw, you were such a cute baby."
Cake time!
Obviously she was not shy about this process.
Another favorite. Those eyes just get me.
Love you Mollie! I so look forward to watching you growing up!