Welcome to India, the land of diversity. Below is a glimpse of what we experienced as we saw India for the first time.
Just another of the
many means of transportation here in India...

Shishya School... where we spend our days teaching 40 4-year-olds that don't speak our language!

Another game of football (soccer), a favorite among the boys along with cricket and volleyball.

This is also at the school, the campus is absolutely beautiful.

Frieda McRae... our most kind and generous "mom" while we are here and the founder of Shishya school and orphanage. Here she is modeling a scarf knit by my friend, Rebecca.

A common scene on the streets of India... there is no "private property" here. Street-side vending makes for great sales.

Amanda and I had our first Indian shopping experience the day after we arrived. Here we have just stepped out of the "trial room", sporting our "ready-made" (as opposed to the normal fabric-to-tailor stores) kurtas. The good news is that when we come home, these can also double as costumes for any Old Testament plays.

We have not been dissapointed by the food here. An interesting fact: there is no such thing as curry here. It is a combination of spices... very tasty! This is Raj Kachouli... a mixture of yogurt, chick pea, lentil, mint, chiles, and potato in a shell of fried Cream of Wheat.

A peanut stall. Here you see the peanut vendor roasting his peanuts for his pushcart.

The epitome of India...

Wow, Liza...gorgous pictures. I love to see life in "your" India.
the pictures are awesome i have to say, also i have finally been able to get the first sermon on the website, it is from the seminar, mrs. Hamilton said that she is about a month behind on the cd's so as soon as i get them they will be on the web. The website is www.sermoncloud.com once you get on just search put SCA in the search and it will pull up all of the sermons. I hope God is blessing your trip, and you are growing in faith.
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