These last few weeks have been ones of diversity and many cultural experiences, like attending our first arranged-marriage wedding. The ceremony was much like a "Western wedding" but can you even imagine what must be going through their minds?
Cynthia, the beautiful bride in the traditional red langa...

Which of these don't belong?

Nibha, Liza, and Amanda all dressed up in our best kurtas.

Who knew that henna could be used not only for tattoos, but also for turning light brown hair to bright orange?! Thankfully, this "herbal treatment" washes out with time.

Ajay, one of the precious faces that we are privileged to see and love every day.

Sumit- how could your heart not melt with this smile! Doesn't he remind you of a teddy bear?

They may not be able to speak our language, but aren't they cute? This is Deden, a Tibetan, in nursery class- learning Hindi and English (besides Tibetan) at the age of four.

Motion sickness wasn't our biggest concern as we followed this road up the side of the Himalayas...

But the view from the top was worth it!

Tuesday is the day that the traveling outdoor farmers market comes to the village of Selaqui.
We love the colorful bangles, but our choices were limited due to our "fat" American hands.

Indian spices by the kilo...

Since coming to India this is the most out of place that we have felt. We were the only two white people that day and maybe any day judging by the stares. Notice the admirers in the background...