On a beautiful weekend in May, I had the privilege to be a part of this special couple's wedding day... you may have "met" this couple before, via their engagement photo shoot last year. At that time I had heard that they had a mutual passion and talent for singing. We all had the pleasure of experiencing it that day. They treated the whole audience, on their wedding day, to a song that they sung to and for each other. Tears came to my eyes as I listened to them declare their love, through a song, during the rehearsal.
The much anticipated and planned for wedding day is here!
Kaila looked like a princess.

Wouldn't you agree?

The prince...

I love it that the flower girl happened to be passing through on this one.

One of the many sweet guestures from Dustin to Kayla that day was a surprise trip in a full size tour style bus. It's their dream to someday ride in one of these full time, and with God's blessing I have no doubt that they will. So what a fitting "first ride" together.

The first dance. Congratulations Dustin and Kaila. You are a gifted and special couple to so many people. The love and grace of God was shining bright through you both on that day and I know it will continue... to bless others and glorify the matchless name of our Saviour.